Cost Structure for Accessing the Potsdam SIMS Instrument

For project proposals submitted after 01 February 2020 the following cost structure applies:

Academic Research: Cooperative projects leading to publications in the international scientific literature will be charged at a rate of € 100 (plus VAT, where applicable) for each hour of data collection, with a minimum € 1000 per session.  Small, proof-of-principle studies needed for grant applications can be conducted without initially being charged, however the used access time will be billed should the funding request be successful.  Set-up time will not be charged.

Commercial Work: Non-academic work will be charged on a full-cost basis – please inquire.

Extended Student Visits: Graduate students who secure funding for a prolonged stay (minimum 3 months) at the Potsdam SIMS facility will have the opportunity to use the 1280-HR instrument free-of-charge for an agreed number of days.  The intention of this program is to provide young scientists with a high level of training in SIMS technology.

Priority Research Projects: Research projects initiated by the GFZ SIMS facility or project proposals which are of particular interest to our staff can obtain laboratory access at preferential rates.  The amount of access time available under this programme is limited, so researchers interested in this option should inquire early.

Research Work within the Helmholtz SIMS Network: Access is free-of-charge for projects operating through our sister institutes in Dresden and Leipzig.  Projects approved by our partners within the international SIMS network will also be operated on a free-of-charge basis.



Our Area Code:      + 49-331
1280-HR Lab:      6264-28915
Operator Room:   6264-27840
Prep Room:         6264-28917


GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

SIMS Laboratory
Section 3.1
14473 Potsdam

Head of SIMS Group

Dr. Michael Wiedenbeck

Tel: +49 331 6264-1484