The following items may be of use to the SIMS community

Ion Optics Design for the Cameca 1280-HR

pfd format file 470 kB (download).
This can be printed in up to poster size format

Table of Exact Masses and Isotopic Abundances

xls format file containing exact masses and isotopic abundances of the stable elements 36 kB (download).

Converting U-Th-Pb Isotope Ratios to Ages

This following .xlsx format table will let you convert 206Pb/238U, 207Pb/235U, 208Pb/232Th and 207Pb/206Pb ratios to their equivalent ages (download).

Photo Gallery

The following photos or images can be used for scientific presentations, but please indicate the source as  Images can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Profilometer Data from a Rastered SIMS Crater
Cameca 1280-HR crater in apatite made using 20 µm raster (optical profilometer image)
Profilometer data from a typical SIMS U-Pb crater in a zircon generated using Köhler illumination mode. Note crater volume estimate of 607 µm3
The Potsdam Cameca 1280-HR SIMS Instrument



Our Area Code:      + 49-331
1280-HR Lab:      6264-28915
Operator Room:   6264-27840
Prep Room:         6264-28917


GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

SIMS Laboratory
Section 3.1
14473 Potsdam

Head of SIMS Group

Dr. Michael Wiedenbeck

Tel: +49 331 6264-1484